How to Create A Vision Board

One VERY  important activities you can do to be successful is the very beginning as an entrepreneur / profession would be to write down or create your vision board.

The vision board is a resource used (notebook, post board, shadow box, bulletin board, etc) to identify, within each area of your life, what you’re aspiring to achieve as well as your daily focus on the bigger picture.

You can print images, cut images out of magazines or simply write down a basic mind map within a notebook. The nice thing is, it’s totally your call. I have found this process to be both very therapeutic and relaxing to get everything out from my brain and onto a visual board.

Before I introduce the benefits of a vision board – I wanted to share the overall focus of this exercise whether you’re a believer or not:

  • Develop a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and spend time regularly with Him in prayer and study. It will be out of a relationship with God that He answers your prayers. Learn to recognize the voice of God when He is speaking to you.

  • Ask God to show you that what you are asking for is something that He wants you to have or do. Ask for wisdom and that you will know His timing.

  • Once you determine what it is you want, within the context of God’s will for your life, then have faith and believe that God will answer you. One way or another, He will answer your prayers.

  • Pray and ask God for the things that you want and need. Be sure to track them and watch for answered prayer. (vision board!)

  • Be prepared for the answer to come in a variety of ways. When you get an answer to prayer, let others know so that they can give God glory with you.

  • Share your success stories with others so that their faith will be strengthened and they can receive encouragement.

When we ask, we need to believe that He hears us and will answer our prayer one way or another. We do need to be cautious not to visualize something to the point that we are meditating on the item itself that we are asking for. This could easily cross over into idolatry. Remember it is God who is the giver and the source of all good gifts.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Romans 4:17 …He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed, the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.

God wants only the best for us all. He wants us to live our lives to our fullest potential. These radical principles of change have been in the Bible but unfortunately it was not a Christian who pointed them out to the world. Most people are running at half-throttle to what God has in mind for them.  God’s love and power is unlimited. The only thing that limits us is what we think we can accomplish.

Here are three verses to consider:

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

I’d highly recommend you create one if you don’t already have one. Here are 5 reasons why you should think about putting one together and the benefits of doing so:

1.     The creative process is fun!

Remember how exciting it was when you were younger to do arts + crafts? Well here is your chance again to let your inner child out.

2.     It provides you with incentive

Having a Vision Board in a place where you will see it often (daily / weekly) provides you with a reminder of your goals and what you’re working towards daily. Especially, when you’re running into challenges and obstacles along the way – it’s a visual reminder of WHY you are putting all your energy in the work!

3.     A great tool to help you with Visualization

Visualization isn’t a natural process that comes very easy for all of us – it takes time. Since visualizing an image or goal isn’t especially easy, it’s important that we spend some time focusing on one in particular area at a time and spend a few minutes a day imagining what types of blessing we’re willing to work for in order to make them a reality.

4.     Think outside our limitations

Creating a vision board is an exercise in thinking beyond what you believe it possible in your current state. You may have imagined a dream vacation or a beach front home is a possibility next month or even next year. This tool allows you to open yourself up to opportunities to make those dreams a reality.

5.     It Works!

So, now is the time to take the leap of faith to create your own vision board. Have fun with it, make it your own, and comment below with your visual as well as a comment below to share how easy and fun this process was!

The focus of this exercise is speaking these images into existence by praying or meditating speaking to God (high power) through a personal relationship and you'll be absolutely blown away by what God has in store for YOU.  


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